Welcome to PlanTechNZ.

PlanTechNZ is a forward-thinking Special Interest Group that is part of the New Zealand Planning Institute. We bring together planners and resource management professionals who are interested in exploring the possibilities of emerging technologies.

PlanTechNZ's purpose is to support the NZPI, NZ planners and the role of the profession as a whole in responding to the impact of emerging technology on the profession, and to advance PlanTech awareness, understanding and capabilities in NZ planners and NZ planning practice for the benefit of New Zealand.

Regardless of whether you are an experienced practitioner in a senior role or you are just starting out in the planning profession, PlanTechNZ is the perfect forum to learn about the latest trends and innovations in planning and resource management.

The PlanTechNZ Special Interest Group within the New Zealand Planning Institute aims to explore the impact of emerging technologies on planning in the context of emerging technologies. The group seeks to bring planning and resource management practitioners together to harness the potential of new technologies in the planning profession and resource management, and to achieve better outcomes for our communities and the environment.

By providing a forum for planners interested in the impact of emerging technologies on planning to engage and investigate these opportunities, PlanTechNZ complements the strategic direction of the NZPI. The NZPI has recognised the need for a technological revolution in planning practice. The group equips the NZPI to respond to the issues and challenges that arise from the changes resulting from these technologies, including questions around data privacy, ethical considerations, and the potential to improve the efficiency and transparency of planning processes.

The PlanTech website menu above provides further information about emerging technologies, resources and how this new wave of technological innovation differs from earlier initiatives such as e-planning.

If you are curious about what the future holds for our profession and/or want to be part of adapting planning to the future then please join us!

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