There are several ways to get involved with PlanTechNZ.

We operate two topic based working groups in PlanTechNZ, along with a committee of volunteers who contribute to our policy work including RM reform.

As a SIG, PlanTechNZ can only achieve its purpose and objectives through the involvement and contribution of its members. We encourage members to get involved in our activities.

The AI-mpact group is focused on AI specifically GenAI and its use in planning. The Data Systems for Planning group is focused on improving data systems for planners. The Policy Committee is our list of volunteers we call on to assist in responding to new legislation, policy or other matters on which PlanTechNZ would like to provide feedback or submissions. Further information is provided below, and any PlanTechNZ member can join these groups at any time as per the instructions below.

Other opportunities to get involved with PlanTechNZ are shared on our LinkedIn group or in our newsletter."

The AI-mpact group has been established in 2023 in response to the popularisation of AI and its emerging capabilities as part of everyday use.

The group is set up as an innovative, knowledge-sharing platform to explore and promote the use of AI and GPT models in resource management planning in New Zealand.

The group goals are:

  1. Foster regular communication and collaboration through an MS Teams channel and LinkedIn Private Group.
  2. Conduct a comprehensive review to understand the current state of AI usage in both private and public sector organisations in New Zealand.
  3. Compile a list of global best practices and innovative AI applications relevant to our field.
  4. Share updates and insights in our contributions to the monthly PlanTech newsletter, Planning Focus, and Planning Quarterly.
  5. Organise quarterly virtual meetings to review progress and discuss opportunities and challenges.

The results of the planners' use of AI survey is available here

If you are a PlanTech member and interested in getting involved with AI-mpact, please email with AI-mpact in the subject line.

The Data Systems for Planning was formed in 2024 from previous Data and Spatial Data groups. The group is focused on advancing the data systems for planning and planners in New Zealand. Planners should be more actively driving the identification of issues with planning data systems and driving the resolution of such issues.

Most data systems commonly used by planners are primarily for other purposes with a wider community of interest. The group does not seek to replicate any work already being addressed by others in the data community. The group will support data improvement programmes of a general nature which impact on improved data systems for planning (e.g. environmental data, resource management data and urban data).

The primary work of this group is to foster the ability of planners to take action on the improvements which most benefit planners and the work they do. In 2024 we are looking at some quick win projects to start off with and we welcome any suggestions or partners in this endeavour.

To join this group please email with Data Systems for Planning in the subject line.

Members of this committee are invited to contribute to our policy work responding to new legislation or policy which impacts planning and planners. We also have a representative on the NZPI’s RM Advisory Group.

To be added to this committee to be invited to help with our policy work (no obligation to contribute to all such work) please email with Policy Committee in the subject line.

If you are curious about what the future holds for our profession and/or want to be part of adapting planning to the future then please join us!

Join us