Purpose, Objectives and Workplan of PlanTechNZ.

PlanTechNZ has a purpose and objectives along with a workplan to support the NZPI and PlanTechNZ's desired outcomes.

PlanTechNZ's purpose is to support the NZPI, NZ planners and the role of the profession as a whole in responding to the impact of emerging technology on the profession, and to advance PlanTech awareness, understanding and capabilities in NZ planners and NZ planning practice for the benefit of New Zealand.

The objectives of PlanTechNZ are:

  1. Explore the opportunities and challenges which emerging technologies present to planning in New Zealand
  2. Introduce PlanTech concepts and tools to the wider NZPI membership
  3. Provide insightful input to NZ’s planning profession and its leadership on issues concerning emerging technologies.
  4. Build relationships within NZ relating to the success of PlanTech
  5. Contribute to the international PlanTech community