Andrea Harris, David Curtis and Emily Grace spoke to the Finance & Expenditure Committee today on NZPI’s two submissions for the Inquiry into Climate Adaptation. The submissions were received as read and followed by valuable questions from the committee.

Chair MP Catherine Wedd asked what NZPI meant when they sought “robust recommendations” from the Committee. The team said NZPI seeks an enduring system that looks at the whole package around adaptation including national direction. We need to committee to “be clear and allow action to happen” said Emily Grace.

Today’s recording will soon be available to view here. Meanwhile, dates and times can change but at this stage NZPI expect to next appear before Select Committees on or around the following dates:

  • 18 July: Report back on Marine Farms Duration Extension Bill (Primary Production Committee).
  • 5 September: Report on the Inquiry into Climate Adaptation (Finance and Expenditure Committee).
  • 30 September: Report back on Freshwater and Other Matters Bill (Primary Production Committee).
  • 18 October: Report back on Fast-Track Approvals Bill (Environment Committee). Note this date has changed – it previously was 5th September.