The release of two significant documents and the commencement of hearings for the Inquiry into Climate Adaptation make this a significant moment in our response to climate change.

On Wednesday, the Government released a 3-page document setting out its climate strategy. It's fair to say we didn't find a lot of substance in the strategy. ‘Overview’ or ‘outline’ might be a better word to describe it than ‘strategy’.  Find the Climate Change Strategy here.

On Thursday, the Environmental Defence Society (EDS) released its report on Design Recommendations for a Climate Adaptation Act. The report sets out a package of statutory and institutional reforms to enable the country to successfully adapt to climate risks. There is strong alignment between the EDS recommendations and NZPI's submission points on climate adaption.  Find the EDS report here.

Next week, the Finance and Expenditure Committee (FEC) will hold hearings for its Inquiry into Climate Adaptation. NZPI made two submissions to this Inquiry, one in November last year when it was the Environment Committee running the inquiry, and one last month to the FEC. NZPI has been invited to speak to the FEC on Tuesday next week (16 July), for 10 minutes sometime between 2.30 and 3pm.  Watch live here.

There is a wealth of information and recommendations for the FEC to consider. We hope to see real progress toward practical climate adaptation legislation as a result of this Inquiry.