This week we saw big changes at the Government’s 80-year natural hazard insurance provider. On July 1 they became the Natural Hazards Commission I Toka Tū Ake, which recognises the organisation’s role in supporting New Zealanders to prepare for and recover from a range of natural hazards, not just earthquakes.

The new name is one of a raft of changes introduced by the new Natural Hazards Insurance Act that came into force on 1 July 2024. The following links provide more detail on these changes:

  • A new website: which has more detail about home and land cover, the organisation and updated guides and factsheets for homeowners. It also provides information on the work the Natural Hazards Commission are doing to support research and improve resilience.
  • The Natural Hazards Portal was launched last year and is a valuable tool for planners to find information about hazards in their region, and search properties for historical claims for damage.

The Natural Hazards Commission I Toka Tū Ake are a significant NZPI conference sponsor and supporter. They work in partnership with NZPI to prepare planners to understand the value of incorporating resilience planning principles and options for avoiding the worst hazard risks in urban and land-use plans. The purpose of this work is to ensure that natural hazard exposure is reduced over time.

Read their full press release here