NZPI released its Call for Abstracts this week for our next annual conference in Waihōpai – Invercargill, 26 – 28 March 2025. We’re also seeking conference sponsors to share the spotlight on the planning profession.

Conference comes at a time when the environment in which New Zealand’s planning professionals now operate is changeable and challenging. But those changes bring with them opportunities, which leads into our next conference theme of Weather the Change.

The 2025 NZPI Conference will look at how we can plan to weather the multitude of changes the profession is facing and turn them into opportunities that will result in better outcomes and a stronger future for Aotearoa New Zealand. This is your chance to add your voice to the discussion.

We are seeking abstracts on each of these sub themes:

  • Creating Resilient Natural and Rural Environments
  • Reimagining & Enhancing Regional Built Environments
  • Strengthening Relationships in a new Digital Era
  • Being Resilient in the Face of RM Reform 2.0

All abstracts must be submitted by Friday 6th September at 4pm. Acceptance or otherwise is at the discretion of the Conference Committee. Submitters will be advised of their acceptance by October. All abstract submissions must be made using the online conference form.

For full details and to submit your abstract click here

Planning is in the Spotlight. Take the opportunity and sponsor our 2025 NZPI Conference

We’re bringing conference to an exciting new destination in Southland and are locking in sponsors for our biggest annual event now. We appreciate support from our sponsors already on board and there’s room for more. This is your invitation to be our next sponsor.

Our conference will have the attention of over 700 planning practitioners and allied professionals, from industry leaders, technical specialists, local and central government representatives, Mana Whenua, environmental advocates, scientists, researchers, academics and tertiary students. With resource management reform making headline news, planning in Aotearoa is in the spotlight. Are you ready to enjoy that attention on your organisation too?

There are a number of different sponsorship packages and opportunities you can select from; however, if you have something specific in mind our team is available to work with you to tailor a package that meets your requirements.

Some ways you might like to get involved include:

  • Sponsor a session or a stream - show your support for a topic that aligns with your organisation.
  • Support a field trip or social event – from Fiordland to Bluff, Southland is nature’s playground and an incredible opportunity to showcase work in the profession and make new connections in the industry.
  • Be an exhibitor – place your organisation front and centre in our Conference Exhibition Space.

As sponsor and/or exhibitor, you’re a special, welcomed visitor. We’ve developed a PR and marketing campaign for our 2025 Conference, hosted across multiple venues in the heart of Invercargill. Your organisation will be promoted before and during the event, and your relationship with NZPI will be enduring. Depending on your chosen package, this may be in our social media, Planning Focus, the NZPI website, and in other advertising or promotional materials.

Invercargill has everything going on, from its heritage buildings, its powerhouse of industry, and Aotearoa’s rural history on its doorstep. It offers something for everyone, so join us next March.

Please download a copy of the sponsorship and exhibition prospectus for full details, click here

If you have any questions, please contact NZPI Sponsorship Manager – Jane Christie.

Save the date for NZPIC25 and express your interest HERE