Membership Panel Chair and NZPI Fellow Graeme McCarrison has been reflecting this week on how to inspire more membership conversations. We share his thoughts with all members this week.

Every time I alongside 2 other panelists get the opportunity to chair a panel for a membership conversation, I know I will be inspired, educated, feel heartened and just full admiration for the potential next Full Member who is engaging with us. These are our next generation of members who will evolve NZPI to meet the needs of future generations to come, and it’s reassuring to see that we’re in good hands. I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to listen, hear and be curious about what this person is bringing to the profession and what it means for them to be a Full Member.

The conversation (formally known as the interview) stage is where the member talks to their work examples, thinking and ideas they have put into the application. The application form is a self-guide document with questions covering the core professional competencies, alongside 3 pieces of work and work experience.

In 3 simple steps just download the form, allocate some time, and give it a bit of focus.

The success of planning in Aotearoa depends in part on us growing the profession. NZPI depends on members putting the effort into becoming and recognising the value of Full Membership. Our membership has grown 37% or 861 members to 3183 over the last 8 years. However, alongside this good news, the percentage of Full Members has remained between 30-31% and associates at 21%. In 2023 we celebrated 32 new Full Members and 2024 is looking be even better. Unfortunately, it's still not enough. In my opinion it’s time for NZPI and the profession to set a goal of 40% of our membership as Full Members by 2030.

I believe we all can do lots better with a renewed focus on removing the roadblocks to Full Membership. In 2023 I’ve run 3 Pathways to Full membership workshops. I’m always open to running more for your organisation or local branch. Here are some of the roadblocks that I regularly hear:

  • The interview is hard, technical with the risk of failure.
  • I’m just too busy to find time to prepare the application.
  • It’s difficult to find a sponsor/mentors, especially in the regions.
  • My organisation doesn’t support Full Membership and/or see no to little career benefit.
  • Lack of training and support on preparing for membership
  • I’m embarrassed because I’ve waited so long.

Can I just say, the interview is a planning conversation with your peers. It’s not a mystical test on sections of the RMA, it is you talking to your peers about yourself as a professional planner. The application form and NZPI’s website guides you through. Yes, it takes time, thinking, but what I say is:

  • Start now - download application form.
  • Make a schedule and put aside some time (whatever works for you)
  • Talk to your manager/team lead to include it as part of professional development program.
  • Consider setting up a support group, talk to recent new Full Members.
  • Find a sponsor/someone to support/motivate you through the whole process.
  • Bit by bit it will come together.
  • Take it seriously as it’s a milestone moment but enjoy reflecting on your career and planning.

If you have any membership questions ask Manfred Lee at the NZPI office at If your branch or organisation wants to host a Pathways to Membership workshop, just ask Manfred or seek me out. I’m willing and available.