In July 2023 we invited members to take part in a survey to support research being undertaken by Clint Betteridge as part of his Master in Resource and Environmental Planning degree at Massey University. This report has been made available to members.

Clint’s research explored the perceived lack of voluntary planning assistance (VPA) for helping people engage with the planning system in Aotearoa New Zealand, particularly those who cannot afford to pay for planning advice or services.

Clint was delighted in the strong response from members. The survey found that there’s strong support for the concept of VPA and its need to assist community groups. It also found a need for VPA from a Māori organisation and strong regional support from Auckland.

Clint has completed his research and his report titled “A more inclusive planning system: The case for Voluntary Planning Assistance in Aotearoa New Zealand” is now available for members to view HERE.

Clint would like to connect like-minded planners to further the network of VPA in New Zealand. For those interested Clint can be reached at