Our next NZPI conference will be in Waihōpai Invercargill and our southern-most city is ready to play host on 26 – 28 March 2025. Conference happens just once a year and it’s time to save the date.

NZPIC25 will be about how as a profession we weather the change ahead. We’ll be delving deep into what planning looks like and what the tailwinds are to take us further. With conference based in a community built from rural origins, and a city at the doorstep of our magnificent conservation estate, one of our streams will focus on creating resilient natural and rural environments. Heritage is another feature of Invercargill, a city that has recently transformed its heart, while maintaining its built heritage. At NZPIC25 we’ll be talking about reimagining and enhancing our regional built environments. Conference will look forward at our place in a new digital era and being resilient through RM reform, which we expect will be high on the Government's agenda in March 2025.

In the coming weeks we’ll be announcing keynote speakers and the inspirational conversations that NZPIC25 will bring. But most importantly we need you to think about getting there.

Always wanted the opportunity to explore Southland? Here’s your excuse. Invercargill Airport is one of the biggest in the country and it greets flights from all the big centres every day, with Air New Zealand offering direct flights from Auckland to Invercargill in just over 2 hours, along with other major centres. There are excellent deals to be had if you book your flights early. Alternatively, you may like to fly into Queenstown or Dunedin as your first destination, driving down to our southernmost city. March is also a particularly busy month for accommodation providers in Invercargill, with two other major events already locked in that month. While you’re marking up March 26-28 in your calendars we recommend you get in quick and book your accommodation now.

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