Team Leader, Jacobs NZ

I am an experienced planner with over almost 30 years of continuous NZ experience, having worked in both local government and consultancy throughout this time. I am currently based in Christchurch and am the Team Leader for the Jacobs NZ planning team, a role I have been in for the past 4 years. In this (and previous roles) I have been privileged to work across much of the Country, working for Councils and clients on a range of projects, including renewable energy, linear infrastructure, and water projects.

Throughout my undergraduate and planning study and subsequent career, I have maintained an active interest in Māori values and planning, which has led me to a governance role on the board of Aoraki Environment Consultancy Ltd, the charitable company mandated by Te Runanga o Arowhenua to further their interests as mana whenua in the planning space within their South Canterbury rohe. This role has provided valuable insights into how planning and RMA processes have an impact on mana whenua organisations, and the range of issues and often frustrating processes mana whenua have to work with.

My governance experience includes 9 years as a parent representative on a School Board of Trustees, as well as having been a member of both the Otago and Canterbury Branches of the NZPI, both of which I have chaired in the past.

I am also an independent commissioner and have sat on a number of hearings since first being accredited in 2008.

I endeavour to bring a collaborative approach to projects and roles I am involved with. Decision making is strongest when all voices have been heard and perspectives considered.

I see the role of the planner, and the Institute, as critical in shaping the content of future planning legislation and processes. Our collective experience of working under the current legislation means our Institute is well placed (again) to provide good advice into the next round of reform. I look forward to the opportunity to serve on the Board over the next term and being part of the Board’s ongoing commitment to work together for the benefit of the profession.