Applications for NZPI’s Emerging Leaders in Planning Programme for 2024 are now open.

Commencing on the 1st of August 2024, this is a twelve-month programme designed for a cohort of 20 motivated planners. This programme is different, as it is almost completely virtual. It is designed to be flexible for today’s time restraints.

Leadership in Planning has a different focus to that of general corporate leadership and it aspires to develop character and confidence within a lifelong framework. The Emerging Leaders in Planning Programme enables individuals to build a foundation for their careers that is relevant to themselves and the profession. Leadership in planning has never been more important in New Zealand and the world.

The programme will encourage delegates to discover their unique, personal identities as leaders and provide a framework for developing character and their career journey. This programme is important for the Institute as it strengthens the Planning profession through more effective leadership and engaged planners.

Learning Outcomes and takeaways of the Emerging Leaders in Planning Programme include the developed of personal awareness of the qualities and skills needed for leadership. Participants also gain an understanding of the daily activities and practices needed for development and take this opportunity for form connections with a wide network of planners across the country.

Who will Participate in this Programme?

This programme is for planners with between 5 and 15 years of experience. We assume that in planning, it is not necessary to be in a formal leadership role to be a leader.

How Does the Programme Work?

The 2024 Emerging Leaders in Planning Programme draws on a different concept for developing leaders. The programme will open with a face-to-face meeting at the commencement of the programme on the 1st of August 2024. This event is critical for establishing networks and building confidence in the programme. The Emerging leaders will meet again face to face meeting at the conclusion of the programme on the 31st of July 2025. All other learning will be virtual through personal coaching, group webinars and self-paced learning modules.

The programme will be facilitated by presenters Janis Grummitt and Leigh Auton. These presenters ran NZPI’s residential programme for over 11 years until it was halted by the global pandemic in 2020 They will return to the programme in 2024, bringing with them their vast experience in leadership.

Applications for the Emerging Leaders in Planning Programme close on Friday 12th of July 2024.

Find out more and register below.