Planning for equal outcomes

How to embed equality analysis within planning processes and decision-making

SESSION: Thursday 21st March, 3:10pm - 3:40pm
Corinne Marti & Charlotte Lee

Planning for diverse communities is complex and requires explicit analysis of the needs and aspirations from the start of a project. Integrating this into existing planning process can be challenging and requires the adoption of new innovative assessment methods.

Planners play a pivotal role in influencing the type of effects that require analysis within planning processes. With the current emphasis on wellbeing outcomes, this presentation will explore how Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA), a legislative requirement in the United Kingdom, could be adjusted and applied in Aotearoa for various stages of planning including, policy development, consultation, and engagement as well as to support statutory consenting processes.

EqIA is a useful evidence-based approach designed to help decision-making processes be fair and respond to the needs of diverse groups. Conducting equality analysis through the development of a project provides an opportunity to mitigate unintended adverse impacts on groups with protected characteristics, including age, disability, race, and religion. It also assists with identifying and quantifying positive impacts, thereby helping to promote the project, policy, or programme.

The presentation will outline the methods, timing, and practical steps for integrating equality assessment methods and for the application of EqIA in the planning framework. Case studies will illustrate where EqIA has been used to inform planning processes and deliver better outcomes. Further, the presentation will explore how this equality analysis could provide for improved wellbeing outcomes in Aotearoa, including informing the creation of a Social Inclusion Act as recommended by the Productivity Commission, to address persistent disadvantage in our communities.

Presented By

Corinne Marti

Associate - Social Outcomes, Beca

Corinne has over 7 years' experience in planning, social impact assessment, consultation and engagement, policy analysis and business cases, in Aotearoa and the UK. This includes leading social impact assessments in the transport, water, energy, and housing sectors to support planning processes. Corinne enjoys working with clients and the community to maximise equitable outcomes evidenced by her current role as Broader Outcomes Workstream Lead on Waitematā Harbour Connections Alliance.

Charlotte Lee

Senior Associate - Social Outcomes, Beca

Charlotte has over 16 years of experience in social planning, policy, and research in New Zealand and the UK, particularly in the transportation, infrastructure, housing, and health sectors. She is passionate about working with clients and the community, undertaking social evaluation, appraisal, and impact assessment to promote and facilitate more socially inclusive and equitable outcomes. Charlotte is a Full Member, MNZPI, and a Chartered Town Planner, MRTPI (UK).