A co-design journey - Cambridge WWTP

A collaborative journey with iwi partners and key stakeholders to co-design and develop the Cambridge Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), resulted in shared ownership of decisions, recognising kaitiakitanga principles and giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waita

SESSION: Thursday 21st March, 4:40pm - 5:10pm
Shaun Hamilton, Norm Hill & Marie McIntyre

A collaborative journey with mana whenua and key stakeholders shaped our approach to the Cambridge Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) project. The Waikato River is a key taonga for mana whenua, and deliberate effort was made to build collective understanding and shared ownership of decision making and co-management processes to achieve best-for-river outcomes under Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato.

Waipā District Council established a Kaitiaki Group so key decisions could be workshopped with mana whenua and environmental assessments could be shaped to acknowledge both western science and mātauranga Māori. This enabled us to gain a shared understanding of best-for-river outcomes.

We embedded a Mātauranga Matariki framework which underpinned every decision-making process on this project. Options were co-developed with the Kaitiaki Group, including methods for improving discharge quality and identifying a location for the discharge of treated wastewater.

Our approach has resulted in shared ownership of decisions, environmental solutions that are endorsed by mana whenua and the community (including submissions provided in support of a notified resource consent application) and strengthened mana whenua relationships. We believe this is the way forward to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the resource management space.

Effective co-management for the planning of wastewater servicing of communities relies on collaboration and effective partnerships with mana whenua. The Cambridge WWTP project showcases a necessary shift we must make to implementing collaborative design and planning approaches in the future.

Presented By

Shaun Hamilton

Waikato Regional Leader, GHD

Shaun is the Waikato Regional Leader for GHD and a Technical Lead - Planning based in Kirikiriroa. He has over a decade of experience in the planning profession in both the NZ consulting industry and development management experience in London-based Borough Councils. His project experience has included key roles in the project management, scoping and consenting phases of major infrastructure projects with a focus on three waters and transport and also provided inputs into policy development.

Norm Hill

Environmental and Cultural Consultant, Ngaati Hauaa Iwi Trust

An experienced environmental, cultural, strategic relationship consultant with tribal exposure in the environmental management sector working with Government Agencies, Local Government, State-Owned Enterprises and iwi.

Spanning a 23-year career in resource and environmental management, many successful projects have been achieved that balance ecological preservation with cultural sustainability.

Marie McIntyre

Project Manager, Waipa District Council

On behalf of Waipa District Council, Marie has been involved with the Cambridge Wastewater Treatment Plant projects since 2018. Over that time Marie has enjoyed working collaboratively with the Kaitiaki Group through short and long-term consent applications and plant design to achieve excellent community outcomes.