PHOTO - Saskia de Vilder, Scott Kelly, Phil Glassey (GNS Science), Robert Buxton (GNS Science / Buxton & Walker Ltd) Sylvia Allan (GNS Science / Allan Planning & Research Ltd) Receive the Best Practice Award for Non-Statutory Planning.

Awarded to:

    • GNS Science

    for ...

    Landslide Planning Guidance -€“ Reducing Landslide Risk Through Land Use Planning

    The Landslide Planning Guidance – Reducing Landslide Risk through Land-Use Planning is a collaborative effort between planning, science, and governance to provide planning with guidance to manage and reduce the risk of future landslide events, and ensure the right development, occurs in the right place, informed by the right information.

    Produced by GNS Science, the Guidance encourages early incorporation of landslide risk in land-use planning decision-making processes. It does this by outlining five levels (Level A – E) of susceptibility, hazard and risk analysis, and recommending a minimum level of analysis for different planning and development processes – including plan-making, resource consent and building consent. These recommendations align the levels of landslide analysis with National Planning Standard zonings and activities typically covered in planning documents. To ensure consistency across practice, it also provides the blueprint for what information is needed to undertake landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk analysis, and case studies articulate good practice from across Aotearoa New Zealand.

    Throughout its multi-year development, the Guidance was informed by a steering committee drawn from city, district and regional councils, central government ministries and Toka Tū Ake EQC. Wider feedback was gathered through a period of public consultation on draft guidance to ensure it would meet end-user needs. The Guidance has been endorsed by Toka Tū Ake EQC, the Ministry for Business, Innovation & Employment and the New Zealand Geotechnical Society.