Awarded to:

    • GHD Ltd
    • Greater Wellington Regional Council
    • Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
    • Hutt City Council
    • Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika
    • Ngāti Toa Rangatira
    • Buddle Findlay

    for ...

    RiverLink: Transformation of Te Awa Kairangi and Lower Hutt

    Te Awa Kairangi/Hutt River is a vital resource to the Greater Wellington community, supporting the economy, lifestyle, & culture of the Hutt Valley. The river is identified as a taonga, a sacred treasure, and serves as an attraction to locals and tourists.

    Riverlink has 3 special objectives being Ora Tāngata, Ora Taiao & Ora Wairua. These three Ora ensure the uplift of iwi and the community, the protection of Te Awa Kairangi & natural environment, and the prominence of iwi & te ao Māori throughout the project.

    RiverLink is a partnership between Greater Wellington, Waka Kotahi, Hutt City Council and iwi Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira to deliver a transformational set of integrated projects for Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai. RiverLink combines flood protection & rivser restoration work with transport improvements to the SH2 Melling Interchange and urban revitalisation of the Lower Hutt City Centre.

    The planning work for RiverLink was delivered collaboratively by consultants GHD Ltd, working with legal advisors Buddle Findlay and the project partners. The planning work and consent process were greatly supported by the Mana Whenua Steering Group that acts at the governance level to the Riverlink project. In addition, submissions from both Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika Trust and Ngāti Toa Rangatira were made to the Environmental Court supporting the vision and objectives that would ultimately provide greater environmental outcomes to local iwi and the community.

    Returning Te Awa Kairangi to a level that our people can fish, drink & safely swim in our awa Te Awa Kairangi is more than a vision. RiverLink exemplifies an integrated approach to planning and investigation – it is the foundation upon which the project benefits will be realised - not just for transport safety, climate change resilience and urban revitalisation, but for Te Awa Kairangi itself. The legacy contribution of RiverLink is the transformation of Te Awa Kairangi, described as a taonga for the iwi and the community. We are all kaitiaki of Te Awa Kairangi. Te Awa Kairangi provides sustenance for our iwi, our communities and most of all our mokopuna focused future.