You’ve heard MfE and Minister Parker talking about RMA Reform in recent weeks. NZPI have been listening carefully and forming a position on resource management reform. Our upcoming series of webinars is your chance to hear what we think about it all!

In October this year, the Natural and Built Environments Bill (NBA) and the Spatial Planning Bill (SPA) are due to be introduced to Parliament, and then referred to Select Committee for public submissions. To prepare for the submission process, NZPI have been working with members to develop positions on the key aspects of these Bills. We’d like to tell you where we’ve got to with our draft positions and give you an opportunity to ask questions and make comments. This dialogue will help continue to inform our position.

Members are invited to our series of five webinars:

  1. Our first session on 13th September
    will provide a general Overview of NZPI’s Position on RM Reform, including some commentary on NZPI’s high-level position on the key aspects of these changes. Our speakers include Emily Grace, NZPI Principal Policy Advisor, David Curtis, CEO NZPI and Ben Farrell, Co-Chair NZPI RM Advisory Group. Our speakers will outline the process for preparing the position papers and how these will be used to inform NZPI’s submissions on the two Bills.

    Register here

  2. Session 2 on 14th September
    will focus on the concept of an Outcomes Planning System. This webinar will outline what we know and what we assume is meant by ‘outcomes planning’ under the new system and what NZPI’s draft position is on this. Emily and David will be joined by James Fuller, NZPI RM Advisory Group where they’ll speak about what we think outcomes planning actually is, what this means for practice, and opportunities we see for improvement.

    Register here

  3. Session 3 on 20th September
    considers Spatial Planning. This session will outline what we know and what we assume is meant by spatial planning under the new system and what NZPI’s draft position is on this. This time Emily and David will be joined by Andrea Harris, NZPI RM Advisory Group. Our speakers will discuss what we think should be covered by Regional Spatial Strategies, how they should be developed, and their place and influence within the new system.

    Register here

  4. Session 4 on 21st September
    will focus on Regional-Level Planning (NBA Plans). The team will be joined by Graeme McCarrison, NZPI RM Advisory Group and they will outline what we know and what we assume is meant by regional-level planning under the new system, and how this would feed into the Natural and Built Environments Plans. Our speakers will set out NZPI’s draft position on what is currently proposed for the content and development of these plans and the implications for practice, and outline opportunities we see for improvements.

    Register here

  5. Our final session is on 22 September
    and its theme will be Consenting Under the New System. Emily and David will be joined by Jade Wikaira, NZPI RM Advisory Group. Once again we’ll take a presumptive role, outlining what we know and how we assume consenting will operate under the new system and what NZPI’s draft position is on this. This webinar will get into the detail with discussion around what we think about activity categories, notification, and the assessment of applications, from a practice point of view.

    Register here

This is a tightly packed schedule over just two weeks. Come along to one or all. Make sure you register and take the opportunity to join these important conversations.