Dan Harvey

Data Scientist, Ministry for the Environment

Dan is a data scientist at the Ministry for the Environment who has been investigating ways to make better use of digital technologies in the transition to a new resource management regime. He has been involved in implementation and performance monitoring for the RMA and, before that, evaluation of finance and building regulations at MBIE. In the deeper past he trained in ecology and statistics and cut his teeth monitoring rattlesnakes, salmon, cormorants, and terns in his native Canada. His first jobs in New Zealand were searching for rare lizards on the South Island and developing a guarantees database for the Regional Master Builders Association.


Towards a modern, digital resource management system: opportunities in transition to the NBA and SPA.

Thursday 1st September, 10:50Am (40 mins including Q&A)

In early 2021, the Government announced it would repeal the Resource Management Act and enact new laws to achieve better outcomes for both our natural and built environments. These new laws include the Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA) and the Spatial Planning Act (SPA). A time of system change is an opportunity to consider how we collectively, as the resource management sector, can make better use of digital technologies in the future system. We present here findings from research and engagement to date on issues and opportunities for digital improvement in the RM system and discuss steps towards setting a digital transformation agenda in the context of legislative reform.