Strategic Planning in NZ

Lessons for the Future

PRESENTED BY: Rachel Morgan & Cam Wallace

Strategic planning is the key way in which we plan for the long term future of our cities. Strategic planning provides the opportunity to set out an integrated vision for the future at a city-wide level, and is a key document informing future planning and investment decisions. A wide range of approaches has been taken in the past across NZ, from full spatial plans addressing the four well-beings, to more development focussed plans.

Future Development Strategies under the National Policy Statement: Urban Development are the main legislative spatial planning tool currently available to Councils. Their scope is reasonably narrow and focused on urban environments, requiring firstly understanding development constraints, and from there, showing how and where development capacity will be provided over the long term. They must also show the strategic infrastructure required to support growth. Most Tier 1 and 2 Councils have recently completed, or are in the process of preparing Future Development Strategies to inform their 2024 Long Term Plans.

The Spatial Planning Bill seeks to introduce a new framework for spatial planning in NZ to improve the practice of spatial planning and provide greater consistency. Spatial plans prepared under this legislation are intended to have a broader regional focus, stronger legal weight, and a long review period. The Bill also sets out clear Governance arrangements. Our presentation will focus on the challenges faced by recent Future Development Strategies around NZ and outline how these could be addressed by future Regional Spatial Strategies, referencing examples from NZ and abroad. This will address issues around data analysis, project governance, implementation and consultation and engagement.